PANEX Divisions
Divisions allow people to fully focus on the job at hand. That is why PANEX has divided the work load. We have people who drill oil wells, people who complete the wells and deliver the oil to market, and people who spend all their time acquiring exciting new properties for us to develop.
Our Divisions Make Us Stronger!
PANEX Drilling

The field teams we use have been drilling salt dome structures for decades, scoring millions of barrels of oil in the process.
We have the right people in the right fields at the right time, using the right tools and the right technology to bring oil to the party. It doesn’t get any better than that.
PANEX Completions

After a well is successfully drilled, it must be successfully Completed. Completion involves securing and outfitting the wellbore so that oil can flow to market.
Panex Completion Teams are among some of the best in the business!
Burrite Acquisitions

Burrite Acquisitions Inc. is owned by Panex. The corporation was formed in order to acquire premium oil field assets, including entire oil fields.